Isaiah 19: Heart Failure

The prophecy given to Egypt about its downfall is increasingly enlightening to me.  The sorts of pronouncements on the nation are quite common in Biblical accounts; especially from the prophets towards wayward nations.  The general gist of the passage suggest that God is going to create fear, confusion and fruitlessness in Egypt.  It states that …

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James 4: Manna for Today

The sting in James’ letter is clear here.  This section begins by asking a series of questions: “Where do wars and fights come from among you?  Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?” (4:1).  These questions are followed with serious accusations regarding the listeners intentions and desires.  These …

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The Mirror

The United States of America as a nation is having an internal crisis.  This crisis has recognizable symptoms: domestic violence, feminist protests, gender vs. genderless rights, religious tensions, the “old gods” revival, intellectual blackmailing and “fake news.”  Every night, the media—both television and YouTube—are contributing more fuel to the flames.  The traditionalists and the progressives …

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James 3: Standing on the Rock

This chapter is quite short and continues the thoughts of chapter 2 regarding a believer’s actions and speech.  James has already made the case that actions precede from the beliefs held by the individual.  Chapter 3 is a Segway for that thought into chapter 4 but regarding the contents of the heart made manifest by …

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James 2 Pt. 2: The Balance Beam

An introduction note: I wrote this several months ago but never published it.  These thoughts are most certainly incomplete as this idea of a balanced walk in following the Spirit has matured significantly.  I hope you are blessed either way by reading my thoughts and journey in understanding the Bible. There has been a great …

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