Isaiah 17: Damascus

Damascus The next chapter discusses what will happen in Damascus.  Throughout Biblical accounts and contemporary day, Damascus is influential and involved in world politics, war and economics (the degree of influence swings depending upon the era of time).  Today, Damascus is in Syria; as of August 2019, there is substantial conflict over the nature of …

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Isaiah 16: Insufficient

Insufficient These past few chapters of Isaiah have stumped me.  There is a meaning to them deeper than my current level of understanding and knowledge.  Beginning in chapter 14, there is a direct message to the neighboring countries around Israel concerning the time of God’s rest in Israel.  There is some direct meaning and implications …

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Isaiah 12: My Salvation

My Salvation There are moments in the scripture when the topic is extremely specific and moments when the topic is vague.  Isaiah 12 happens to be both.  The passage is directly talking to the “His people” and telling them that “On that day,” (vs 1) that they will “give thanks to you, O Lord” (vs. …

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