
James 4: Manna for Today

The sting in James’ letter is clear here.  This section begins by asking a series of questions: “Where do wars and fights come from among you?  Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?” (4:1).  These questions are followed with serious accusations regarding the listeners intentions and desires.  These …

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James 3: Standing on the Rock

This chapter is quite short and continues the thoughts of chapter 2 regarding a believer’s actions and speech.  James has already made the case that actions precede from the beliefs held by the individual.  Chapter 3 is a Segway for that thought into chapter 4 but regarding the contents of the heart made manifest by …

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James 2 Pt. 2: The Balance Beam

An introduction note: I wrote this several months ago but never published it.  These thoughts are most certainly incomplete as this idea of a balanced walk in following the Spirit has matured significantly.  I hope you are blessed either way by reading my thoughts and journey in understanding the Bible. There has been a great …

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