The Book of Isaiah


The Book of Isaiah

The Old Testament prophets are intimidating to read.  The prophets are generally neglected aside from verses directly quoted in the New Testament.  It is disconcerting to see humanity’s depravity laid bare and God’s righteousness gloriously displayed.  The prophets do not mess around; my own heart has been challenged by reading these passages.

Despite the struggles, as the first book of my Daily Thoughts, I chose the book of Isaiah.  It is 66 chapters total.  Every Tuesday and Thursday, one chapter will be examined.  Please read the chapter and my thoughts.  If you only read my thoughts, you won’t gain as much insight or understanding.

The articles are my thoughts after reading each chapter.  This is not an in-depth study, rather my thoughts on verses that stood out to me.  The Bible is very deep, and one passage might show me a life practice but show you a life principle.  My goal is to accurately discuss each passage and see what the Lord desires to teach me.  My prayer is that Christians whom read these articles are edified to become more Christ-like and non-Christians are motivated to investigate following Jesus.

Here it begins.  The book of Isaiah, his vision during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, the kings of Judah (Isaiah 1:1).

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by," - Robert Frost